Puja at Varanasi (Kashi)

Pind Daan Puja in Varanasi (Kashi)

Pind Daan is a ritual that offers prayers to the ancestors or the soul. The puja is an important part of Hindu funeral rites and is done to have a peaceful journey of the departed soul. This ritual is mostly performed on Pitru Paksha or death anniversary. Performing this puja in Varanasi (Kashi) is better.


Benefits of Pind Daan Puja in Varanasi (Kashi)

It is done for the shanti of the soul of our loved ones. In Pind Daan, the souls are relieved from the process of life and death and they attain moksha. Ancestors also give blessings and bring prosperity and well-being to the family.

Varanasi (Kashi) - Asthi Visarjan

Asthi Visarjan in Varanasi (Kashi) is a ritual that involves the ashes (asthi) of a deceased person into the holy river water. This puja is an important part of the last rites. During Asthi Visarjan Puja family members conduct prayer for the good journey to their afterlife, chant Mantras and take blessings from the soul.

At first, the puja is done following all the rituals mentioned in the Vedas and then according to it the visarjan of the asthi is done into the river.

Benefits of Asthi Visarjan Puja in Varanasi (Kashi)

It gives peace to the souls of the dead and frees them from the cycle of rebirth, it brings happiness and peace in the life of the person and their family members.

Varanasi (Kashi) - Tarpan puja

Tarpan Puja is a Hindu ritual offering water to the ancestors. During the puja special mantras and prayers are chanted. The name and Gotra of the soul are mentioned in the prayers. Doing this puja in Varanasi (Kashi) is better.

This puja should be done facing the south direction where it is believed that our deceased ancestors souls are present. The puja starts with remembering the ancestors with their names and it is followed by chanting of mantras that are done by the pujari according to the Vedas, at last one offers water, milk and black sesame seeds to their ancestors.

Benefits of Tarpan Puja in Varanasi (Kashi)

Tarpan puja helps to please our forefathers and get their blessings. Doing this puja also decreases the Pitru dosh and removes all the obstacles and problems from the devotee's path. Puja also provides peace of mind, financial stability and strength to overcome all the hurdles of their life.

Varanasi (Kashi) - Pitru Dosh Nivaran Puja

Pitru Dosh Nivaran Puja is a ceremony, that has great importance in Hindu culture. It is performed to fix any problems or difficulties arising in your life, that might be caused by your departed ancestors like they are not happy. That may affect Pitru dosh for which this puja is done. In the puja special prayers are done and asking for the blessing from the ancestors. Also, ask for forgiveness for any mistake that has been made. By doing Pitru Dosh Puja in Varanasi (Kashi) it will be more beneficial.

Benefits of Pitru Dosh Nivaran Puja in Varanasi

Pitru Dosh Nivaran Puja ritual purifies all wrongdoings and helps them rest in peace with their souls. It releases them from the cycle of life and gives them Moskh. This puja is also important for getting blessings from our ancestors which brings good luck and removes hurdles in the life of the devotees.

Varanasi (Kashi) - Shradh

Shradh is a ritual where offering is made to the ancestors like food, water and their favourite items. It is mainly done to satisfy the unfulfilled wants of spirits. The Shradh is done for mainly one ancestor and prayers include the last three generations of the ancestors from both father’s and mother’s sides. This ritual in Varanasi (Kashi) is done for the spirits of the ancestors to find peace and moksha. The duration of Shradh is usually 15 days, although it can be shorter or longer depending on individual beliefs and regional customs.

Benefits of Shradh Puja in Varanasi (Kashi)

Shradh is performed to take blessing from our departed ancestors. The soul blesses you and removes all the negative energy from the life of the devotee. Additionally increases harmony and well-being between the family members.

Varanasi (Kashi) - Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja

Kaal Sarp Dosh occurs when all seven planets come between Ketu and Rahu in a horoscope. Therefore, the person with such a horoscope is affected by Ketu and Rahu. This is known as Sarp Dosh and is believed to have very adverse effects. To be free of these adverse effects the person must do the Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja. Performing this puja in Varanasi (Kashi) is beneficial. 

Benefits of Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja in Varanasi (Kashi)

Kaal sarp Dosh can be removed from life once a person performs the Kal sarp Dosh puja. This helps in getting blessings from Rahu and Ketu and helps in increasing positivity, good health and wealth. It makes a person very sincere and positive towards his or her activities.

Varanasi (Kashi) - Rudrabhishek

Rudra Abhishek Puja is a significant and sacred Vedic ritual performed to get the blessings of Lord Shiva. This puja includes the bathing of Lord Shiva along with chanting of mantras with items like Panchamrit, Milk and other sacred items. It is believed that doing this puja helps in making Lord Shiva happy.

At first, Sankalp is taken in the name of the devotees. Then invoking Lord Shiva is done with mantras and prayers by the pujari. Then things like milk, Ganga jal and Panchamrit are used to Abhishek on Lord Shiva along with mantras chanted by the pujari. At last, arti is done by the pujari and blessings are taken by the devotees.

Benefits of Rudrabhishek Puja

Rudrabhishek puja protects the devotees from negativity and helps to bring happiness and success in their life. This puja brings peace and blesses devotees with good health and a positive spirit. It also helps in getting a good response for the hard work done by devotees. This puja helps in bringing prosperity to the life of the devotees.

Maha Mrityunjay Japa

Maha Mrutyunjaya Mantra Japa is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is supposed to be the most powerful healing Mantra for getting relief from severe health problems of intense magnitude. This Puja is dedicated to Lord Shiva so that a person may be blessed with health, happiness and good fortune and get free from all kind of miseries and troubles of life. Lord Maha Mrutyunjaya is the conqueror of death and therefore by getting his blessings through this Puja, even untimely death can be prevented. The Homa is also very helpful in pacifying their negative effects of planets Rahu & Ketu if they are wrongly placed or are forming any bad Yoga like Kaal Sarp Dosha in a person's horoscope.

Benefits of Maha Mrityunjay Japa

It grants immortality, protects against disasters, and prevents premature death. It also eliminates fears and promotes holistic healing. If you speak the Mahamritunjay mantra every day, you will become immortal, and all your ailments will vanish.

Online Puja Booking in Varanasi (Kashi)

Varanasi is also known as Kashi or Banaras. One of the oldest cities in India situated on the banks of the Ganga River. The city is famous for its ghats and temples. People come to Varanasi to perform pujas to honour their ancestors, seek divine guidance and cleanse themselves from sins in the holy waters of the Ganges. It is believed that performing puja in Varanasi can lead to release from the cycle of birth and death as well as bring blessings spiritual growth and inner peace.